Magnetoplasmonics Lab

Archives August 2023

News On Photoacoustic Imaging

In these days, the Journal of Nano Convergence published a new paper entitled as “Functional photoacoustic imaging: from nano‑ and micro‑ to macro‑scale”

Byullee Park, Donghyeon Oh, Jeesu Kim, and Chulhong Kim

Functional photoacoustic imaging is a promising biological imaging technique that offers such unique benefits as scalable resolution and imaging depth, as well as the ability to provide functional information. At nanoscale, photoacoustic imaging has provided super-resolution images of the surface light absorption characteristics of materials and of single organelles in cells. At the microscopic and macroscopic scales. photoacoustic imaging techniques have precisely measured and quantified various physiological parameters, such as oxygen saturation, vessel morphology, blood flow, and the metabolic rate of oxygen, in both human and animal subjects. This comprehensive review provides an overview of functional photoacoustic imaging across multiple scales, from nano to macro, and highlights recent advances in technology developments and applications. Finally, the review surveys the future prospects of functional photoacoustic imaging in the biomedical field.

 New standard atomic vapor cells for Iran by Iranian group and Iranian Technology

Atomic Plasmonic Group

Congratulations for our new paper in JOSAB

Magneto-optical engineering by plasmonic and dielectric metasurfaces in a CoFeB perforated microstructure

N. S. Shnan, N. Roostaei, AND S. M. Hamidi

We have investigated theoretically and experimentally the effect of plasmonic and all-dielectric metasurfaces on the magneto-optical response of the 2D periodic structure. For this purpose, we fabricate polydimethylsiloxane-based 2D microstructures. So, we coated them with a gold layer and a TiO2 dielectric layer as plasmonic and dielectric metasurfaces, respectively, CoFeB as the prominent magneto-optical thin films. We record the spectral magneto optical longitudinal Kerr effect under 40 mT, and the spectrometer’s response in all visible regions. Our results show that the electric and magnetic dipole moments enhance the magneto-optical response by factors of one and two in two closer channels in 650 and 660 nm in an all-dielectric structure, respectively. The plasmonic hot spot-based magneto-optical enhancement is also confirmed in two other media with an enhancement factor of two.


In these days, the Journal of Light: Science & Applications published a new paper entitled as “Parameter estimation of the structured illumination pattern based on principal component analysis (PCA): PCA-SIM”

Principal component analysis (PCA), a common dimensionality reduction method, is introduced into SIM to identify the frequency vectors and pattern phases of the illumination pattern with precise subpixel accuracy, fast speed, and noise-robustness, which is promising for real-time and long-term live-cell imaging.

Unlike the video-rate immediate graphics processing unit-accelerated open-source reconstruction (VIGOR) method19, which calibrates the illumination parameters in advance, (e.g., by using the COR algorithm, and then reuses these parameters in the subsequent reconstruction). The successful realization of an instant parameter estimating strategy based on PCA demonstrates the feasibility of real-time SIM reconstruction, providing the potential to significantly improve the live-cell imaging performance of SIM under confined imaging conditions with external disturbances. It can be expected that the performance of the proposed scheme can be further promoted, such as the generalization to three dimensional SIM, combination with regularization based deconvolution techniques20, and so on, pushing
its practicability to a higher level.