Magnetoplasmonics Lab

News On Atomic Spectroscopy

News On Atomic Spectroscopy

In these days, the Journal of SSRN 4572475 published a new paper entitled as “Frequency Stabilization Technology of 1560-Nm Fiber Faser Based on Rubidium Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy

Abstract: The modulation transfer spectroscopy technique used to stabilize two different transition lines of rubidium, required for laser cooling of atoms, is investigated. The 1560-nm fiber laser is adopted as the laser source, to address the weak spectral features of repumping laser, a theoretical study is conducted followed by experimental verification. The 87Rb D2 line F=1 → F’ = 0,1 cross-transition (close to F = 1 → F’= 2 repumping transition) temperature- enhanced MTS signal is observed. The laser linewidth after locking is 35.36 kHz, and the 1-s stabilities of the frequency stabilized cooling laser and repumping laser are 7.13E-12 and 3.48E-11, respectively.